Welcome to Carpe Ludum

“Life’s too short to play bad games.”

Carpe Ludum is a community for “gourmet” gamers who only have very limited time to spare on their hobby and would like to focus this time only on the best games ever produced.
The Carpe Ludum Codex defines a set of quality criteria a game must meet in order to be featured on this site. Hence, our tagline: Great Games Society.

A few things you will not find on Carpe Ludum, such as:

  • Daily updates with the latest gossip/news of the gaming industry
  • Information about games younger than 5 years (see The Codex for reasons)
  • Unfriendly people. After all, we all want to have fun with our hobby in the limited time we’ve got for it… So why should anyone want to be unfriendly here?

If you like the idea of this website, please register a username and become a part of this community in the Carpe Ludum Forum. As this website has just been founded, I’m looking forward to your feedback and contributions on the following aspects:

  • The first published game review here is for M.U.L.E., a 1983 Atari/C64 masterpiece. I wrote a very special review in the form of a short story – how do you like this?
  • Which games should be featured here next? What are the best games ever?
  • In what ways could The Codex be improved – or is it already sufficient to safeguard the quality of featured games here?
  • I’m looking for hobbyist contributors! If you’re interested in becoming a hobbyist “gourmet game reviewer” here, please let me know. No – not all reviews should be written in the form of a short story… Or do they?

That’s all for now. Enjoy!

Best regards,
Goethe, webmaster of Carpe Ludum
July 5th, 2014

About Goethe

Goethe founded "Carpe Ludum" in 2014. He writes one classic game review per month. At least that is what he tries to do... Because most of the time, Carpe Ludum's inaugural theme catches up with him, and he is rather spending time on being married, playing the piano, jogging or, well, actually PLAYING a game instead of writing about it. :-)