Loss of data configuration of the controller

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Seize the game – carpe ludum! Forums Eidolon’s Tavern Loss of data configuration of the controller

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    • #404

      Whenever I start KEGA fusion I have to configure the controller,
      how can I do to keep config ??

      thank you for reply,

      best regards

      • This topic was modified 10 years ago by stonebuzz.
    • #514

      Hmm, that’s strange! I’ve never lost the config everytime I change it (when I’m curious and I want to experiment, for example). XD
      Now tell me, is your download of KEGA Fusion well-downloaded? Is your Fusion executable “allowed” to write its “Fusion.ini” file by, i.e. your Antivirus or something? ¬_¬
      I hope this reply can help you, because what you tell is W.E.I.R.D. OoO

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